Hey all…
OK, first off, let’s get real, I hate WordPress. Too complicated, but really, this website has been a disaster for a while. I hope to do better. But if you’re here and you somehow don’t know: Victim’s Family has a new (ish) split LP out with our headbanger doppelgängers from Portland NASALROD. 5 new songs from each band lovingly wrapped in the eye gouging cover art of Brian Nothin, pressed onto some radically colored vinyl and brought to you by the fine folks at NADINE RECORDS!!!! This things gonna rip yer turntable or your cd player a new one right in your ear hole. Anyhow, you can find it RIGHT HERE.
In other news, we’re in a bit of holding pattern right now as far as shows go, we hope to ride the stage again in 2025 if not before stay tuned.
3 Responses to Victims Family and Nasalrod “In The Modern Meatspace” Split LP Out Now!